Why should I invest in alternatives?

Adding alternative investments to your investment portfolio can be a critical component of trying to achieve greater diversification and long term returns, compared to a traditional investment approach focused just on stocks and bonds.

Check out our CIO, Itay Vinik, on Nasdaq, sharing his thoughts on why more investors have turned to alternative investments. 

Why should I trust Equi?

  • We're a registered investment advisor, all Equi funds are fully audited by RSM (a top 5 US audit firm), and all performance reporting is done by NAV Consulting, a top-10 fund administrator. 
  • Also, our skin is in the game. The majority of our co-founders' personal capital (over 70%) is invested on our platform alongside their parents, friends, colleagues, and customers. 
  • We have an experienced leadership team focused on compliance, investment due diligence, and risk management. 
  • Many family offices, founders, executives, and investment advisors trust Equi with their capital. (Read about one of our LP's experiences in this Fortune article)

You should refer to the PPM and ensure you understand all the risks involved and are comfortable with them prior to making any investment.

Do I need to be an accredited investor to invest in Equi funds?

Yes, at this time, we can only accept funds from accredited investors who meet the requirements as defined by the SEC.

  • Net worth over $1 million, excluding primary residence (individually or with spouse or partner)
  • Income over $200,000 (individually) or $300,000 (with spouse or partner) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expects the same for the current year
  • Investment professionals in good standing holding the general securities representative license (Series 7), the investment adviser representative license (Series 65), or the private securities offerings representative license (Series 82)
  • Directors, executive officers, or general partners (GP) of the company selling the securities (or of a GP of that company)
  • Any “family client” of a “family office” that qualifies as an accredited investor

What is the minimum amount of capital that I can invest?

Our minimum capital commitment depends on the investment strategy. Individual strategies might start as low as $150k, but our custom portfolios and custom funds typically start at ~$25-30M.

What is the selection criteria for your underlying managers?

Criteria may change slightly over time. We use quantitative screening combined with qualitative due diligence to narrow 12,000+ managers to the top ~0.1%. We generally target managers with the following characteristics:

  1. 8+ year track record;
  2. Greater than 10% annualized returns
  3. Less than 15% annualized volatility
  4. Less than 0.5 correlation to the S&P 500

Can you share names of underlying fund managers?

We aim to be as transparent as possible with our partners and customers, while protecting the hard work of our investment team. We invest substantial resources in both technology and research to source and diligence superior investments for our platform. Therefore, more detailed information can be shared after signing our confidentiality agreements.

Are the performance figures gross or net?

All reported numbers (including the ones in the back test) are net of fees.

Can you provide a complete breakdown of underlying fees?

We've successfully negotiated fee discounts with 60%+ of the underlying managers, our goal is to provide a blended rate that is equal to or lower than going direct or the typical 2 and 20 fee structure.

How is your carry/performance fee calculated?

Our performance based fee or carry is calculated using the high-water mark method and is based on the NAV. 

What are the steps to becoming an Equi investor?

Fill out an investor application form here 

If there's a fit, then we'll learn more about your needs and structure a custom proposal for you.

After accepting our proposal, we'll work with you on a white-glove onboarding process via our digital platform.

Our Investor Relations team will also reach out to you to schedule an onboarding call if you’d prefer to wait for in-person step-by-step instructions.

Who acts as your administrator and auditor?

Our administrator is NAV Consulting and our auditor is RSM.