Who We Are

Tory Reiss
widget_1689697708329's linkedinCEO
A 3x founder of VC-backed tech companies. Tory previously founded Archblock, creator of the lending platform TrueFi ($1.7B+ in originations) and TrueUSD ($1B+ market cap). He has also taught financial literacy classes for 10+ years.

Itay Vinik
widget_1689697708329's linkedinCIO
Since starting his career at UBS, Itay has spent 15+ years in asset management. Prior to Equi, he managed a market-neutral hedge fund that consistently generated uncorrelated returns that outperformed public market benchmarks.
Our Values
Our culture is driven by the values we collectively share and live together:
Repair the World
"Tikkun Olam," the Hebrew phrase for “repair the world," embodies our desire to leave the world a better place than we found it.
Lift Each Other Up
We set ego and pride aside and always act for the greater good of the team.
Be a Fiduciary
We always act in our customers’ best interests, even if it means taking the harder path.
Candor as Kindness
We view candid feedback delivered with kindness and respect as a gift.
Demand Excellence
We hold ourselves and our partners to the highest standards in our relentless pursuit of excellence.
Execute with Urgency
We work with a sense of urgency, staying ahead of the curve for ourselves and for our investors.